Jay Turser JT-62S Vintage Series Reviews 4

Been playing 16 years, had a couple of bands made shows and stuff... you know the usual things a musician does in a day.

I bought this guitar so I could modify it to make a strat out of it.I owned many strats and I understood with time that a good copy well made with the right pickups could save you many $$$ on the long run and you can still make a good gig at night. Also, It's not because it has a big name on top of the headstock that it'll make you a better guitar player... I alway bought my guitars with my gut instinct: if it feels good, then buy it! people won't notice what kind of guitar you're playing from 20ft away, they'll notice what your playing!

Mine is candy apple red wich is very cool looking. Neck feels good, no fret buzzing what so ever. Alder body, maple neck and soforth.

Picups could be better though, like others mentioned, they tend to buzz a lot with distortion but that's the only issue I have with it.

Gig worthy guitar! if you get the setup right, it'll be just fine for life! Quality isn't that bad: most people tend to compare a 200$ copy to a 1500$ original... not good! stop comparing and start playing instead! It's a good solid guitar that will last a lifetime if you take care of it.

Change pickups, electronics and save some cash!!! you can get a real good thing out of it if you put the right stuff in it! Like i mentioned earlier, a guitar doen't make a player. Music comes from the heart and soul. I've seen blues players on stage play some of the most coolest riffs with a chinese made guitar worth just about the same as mine and they got an ovation... so what does it meen? try it and you'll know!!! Keep on pickin' everyone!!! and most of all, don't play it, live it! cheers!

bluesman75 rated this unit 4 on 2007-12-25.

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